
Our insects are in trouble.
They are dying out up to 8 times faster than larger animals and 41% of insects face extinction. 

5 reasons we should care

Without insects many birds, bats, reptiles, amphibians, small mammals and fish would die out as they would have nothing to eat. 

87% of all plant species require animal pollination, most of it delivered by insects – that is pretty much all of them except grasses and conifers.

In addition, 3 out of 4 of all the crops that we grow require pollination by insects.

Only by working together can we address the causes of insect loss, halt and reverse them, and secure a sustainable future for insect life and for ourselves.

Find out more information from the excellent Somerset Wildlife Trust website Action for Insects

Look at these beautiful pollinator pictures from Lyngford Park Primary School.
The school has focused on well- BEEing!! They started drawing Zentangle designs during lockdown for mindfulness and it has been a really positive experience for a lot of the kids as they focus on repeating patterns and their calming effects. Thanks to teacher Nicole Stearn for sending in these pictures from the pupils.

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